Monday, July 30, 2012

So Much to Share...

Clearly I've been more than lax with my blogging...
So much to do, so little time - and now with so much time past, so much to share!

In the time it's been since I've last posted we've acquired more teeth (finally!); learned to walk with greater strides and more independence; eaten pizza, tomatoes, french toast, cucumbers (to name a few!); been swimming, shopping, to camp and everywhere else!; learned how to put our own hat on and fancy wearing others' shoes; discovered the art of blowing into a horn and a straw; and most importantly, have been talking and melting hearts like crazy.

We'll let the pictures tell the stories best...
What's French toast without your hat?!

Pawpaw gave us this great pool for our own backyard!

Shopping at home ~ oh what fun with my own cart!

Mama's shoes fit great!

Sometimes a girl has to rest...

This little flute/horn came with her drum set!

 Checking out the front porch at Grammy & Pawpaw's...

Sunday, July 15, 2012

The Next Step

Well, it's official...we have a trotter. Not exactly a walker, yet, but definitely a trotter. Ally Girl took her first solo steps Friday evening. Daddy was gone on a little trip, but luckily I was able to catch several little video clips of the action.

It's amazing. I really don't know who was more excited - her or me! I'll apologize now for my animated narration in the video. To see my baby take her first steps (yes, we've been cruising along and walking while holding the fingers of someone else for several weeks - but this is so different!) just sealed the deal...we are definitely approaching the next step of life.

It's gone so fast, like lightening speed! But to see her face light up with that (now with the beginning of several teeth!) beautiful smile, I'm back to the first moment I saw her little face. Which is why with every day and every new sign of growth, it is the most surreal feeling - the miracle before me is really becoming a little person!

And then, just when I'm nearly sad because she's growing and changing so fast, she'll come over and sit on my lap and offer a quick snuggle. Perfection. If that comes with it, I'll handle every next step with a lot more ease! (Sorry the video's orientation isn't vertical!)

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

And Another

I've barely been able to do a post a day - but today so many things happened, I find myself needing to get some more memories down...

Ally and I traveled to Living Springs today for a little fun in the sun with Pawpaw. Our time in the pool was fairly short lived, but so many things happened before and after we hardly missed splashing around. First, it makes me sad to even say it, but  my baby is really becoming a toddler. Ally rode in the "Bob" (our big stroller) without her car seat -- a first. A control issue for me, clearly, but one that I wasn't sure she'd adjust to happily. Boy was I wrong. With room to stretch and lounge in a more comfy manner, Ally no doubt was more ready to ditch the "mama-facing-car seat-ride" than I could have imagined.

And second, as if that wasn't enough! Pawpaw let "The Baby" play on the concrete at the pool. With only one slightly scraped knee, it's clear that Ally quite liked the freedom of exploring (in her ever so limited surroundings!). I on the other hand, once again found myself hurting a little inside with the realization that she's turning into such a big girl - SO FAST! Some days I hardly notice, but today, with so many "firsts" I'm wanting nothing more than to just snuggle her so she'll stay my baby.

Ah, the roller coaster of motherhood -- stay tuned, tomorrow I could be a raving lunatic about anything and everything. But today, I'm grateful that God continually blesses me with an enormous love I have absolutely no control over!


We're a little behind with the whole table food thing. A lack of teeth really influences chewing, you know? But today, we've had another first. Scrambled eggs.

Ally actually liked them, a lot. Tiny fingers pinching the little bites I placed in her bowl. And each one placed in her mouth with a smile and the "ummm" I've grown to absolutely melt when hearing it. Our new found nibbles were enjoyed for a reasonable amount of time - then yogurt and puffs were called upon. But not before the remainder of the bowl of egg-bites were dumped into the floor, of course for Murphy to enjoy. Which, he was readily waiting. And yes, I did let her lick the spoon - what's a new cooking/eating adventure without it!

I have to say, this first was just an egg-cellent way to start the day!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Popsicles, please

Remember the fun of eating a popsicle on a hot summer day? Your lips turning red from the dye of a cherry one. Your teeth cold from biting into it? And even the major excitement when you were finally big enough to get both parts of the twin pack? Well, I guess the fun has officially started with new chapter of popsicle possibilities in our house.

Ally enjoyed her first icy treat this morning. A friend told me to get organic juice and dilute it for homemade treats. So I found a cute little set of (yes, BPA free and super-cute colors) popsicle sticks and went to town making some strawberry-mango ones. She did pretty good with it - the popsicle was quite small to start with, so her biting and slurping fun was fairly short lived! She loved it at first, but then the constant cold and sudden drippiness was a little confusing! But a success all the same!

Now if I could just get other Big Girl foods to go down so easy! Happy popsicle loving on this summer day!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Here Kitty Kitty

It's no secret we have a fondness for kitties at our house. From the beginning, Ally was sure to be part of our "cat craziness". We had her nicknamed Ally Cat before she was even here with us. A year ago we were worried that Max and Lucky would have a hard time adjusting to her presence. And now, after a year of so many adjustments, I think it's safe to say that life without Ally isn't imaginable for any of us.

With passing of our beloved Max, and our newest adjustment to the addition of Murphy, the Lair Kitty Kingdom has certainly not been short of great photo ops. Our Lucky rolls with the daily punches, remaining the loyal lover cat. And Ally and Murphy seem to be duking it out on a fairly friendly level to see who can be the true Alpha Cat.

Sharing isn't easy. So space and toys are on constant rotation with the two youngest members of the pride. Some of the favorite times we see, whether it be napping or playing or even racing, are no doubt being added to the bank of memories revealing all the splendor of our home's unique cat-atude...

Monday, July 2, 2012

Pawpaw's Pool

We've had swim lessons (more on this another day) and now we've had our first outdoor pool experience. Ally got to swim in Pawpaw's Pool at camp today!

Though tired and a bit hungry, she rose to the occassion like a natural. Kicking her feet and splashing her hands and then cruising around in her new float (Thank you Aunt Mimi and Uncle Pawpaw!). On this 94-degree day the pool felt great and even though we were chased out after only a brief visit to the watery wonderland because of some thunder in the distance, I think you'll agree that this little water bug enjoyed it all the same! And why wouldn't she? She was sporting a new suit and hat, had perfect water temperature and even had her own paparazzi crew there snapping shots of her every move! Happy splashing!